About Us
The Vision of Siloam:

"Sent In Love Offering Anointed Ministries"
We envision Siloam as a place that shows the love of Christ to everyone we meet.

Siloam Core Values:

R espect - We value people.

A ffirmation - We value celebrating others.

N eed oriented - We value the felt needs of others.

K ingdom Mindset - We value God and His church.

I ntegrity - We value people who are real and honest.

N on-Dependence - We value people who value themselves.

G iving - We value giving to God, our families, the church and to others.

Siloam Ministry Strategy:

We intend to go out into our community and show the love of Christ.

We intend to build authentic relationships in our community.

We intend to lead countless people into an authentic relationship with Jesus.

We intend to teach people the whole Word of God that they may grow spiritually.

We intend to inspire people to become mature Christians who share the love of Jesus Christ with others in their community.
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Pastor Neville Solomon Biography
Pastor Neville Solomon was born in the city of Toronto and has been ministering for more than a decade. In regards to his education Minister Solomon graduated with a Bachelors of Religious Studies degree at Tyndale University College and Seminary, and has obtained a Masters of Religion degree at the University of Toronto, Wycliffe campus.
Pastor Solomon is an excellent communicator whose message is both biblical and practical.  Those that have heard Pastor Solomon speak have shared that his words are life changing and positive. Moreover Pastor Solomon is a renowned author who has recently launched a Christian Publishing Company called “New Village Publishing.”   Pastor Solomon is also a contributing author to the Siloam Times Newsletter.